Guide to your pet's ears: How to get rid of ear mites - AniForte UK

Guide to your pet's ears: How to get rid of ear mites

With warmer weather, ear mites are yet another issue we have to look out for with our pets. Here is a guide of how to clean your pet’s ears, what symptoms to look out for and what to do if your pet...
Is it safe for dogs to drink out of puddles? - Vet interview - AniForte UK

Is it safe for dogs to drink out of puddles? - Vet interview

Giardiasis - An interview with our vet - Dr Phil
3 major causes why your dog may be itching - AniForte UK

3 major causes why your dog may be itching

A little bit of itching is normal, but you should look more closely when you see frequent scratching, itching, biting and licking. 'Why do dogs itch?' is a common question that dog owners ask. Acco...