Puppy training – A conversation with our vet - AniForte UK

Puppy training – A conversation with our vet

The addition of a puppy to the family is usually associated with a lot of joy. There are many things to consider for you as a new dog owner. What needs does the puppy have? How do I ensure the rig...
Feeding your puppy - the best diet for puppies and young dogs - AniForte UK

Feeding your puppy - the best diet for puppies and young dogs

Your newest little family member is moving in soon, or he's recently arrived! As cute as they are, from now on they are completely dependent on you. In order to do everything right from the beginn...
The Best Names for Dachshunds, Bulldogs & Co. - AniForte UK

The Best Names for Dachshunds, Bulldogs & Co.

Are you looking for a fitting name for your dog? You’ve come to the right place! We have put together a list of great names - whether female or male, bulldog or dachshund, there is something for ev...
A Puppy Is Moving In! - AniForte UK

A Puppy Is Moving In!

Congratulations on deciding to add a puppy to your family! But before your new puppy can move in, a few precautions must be taken. Small objects that are at puppy height and that are dangerous for...